Halloween Extravaganza is Back!
December 20, 2022
On Monday the 31st, aka Halloween, every 6th, 7th, and 8th grader gathered in costumes in the auditorium for the first Halloween Extravaganza since 2019. They were there for some Halloween festivities, and a few lucky winners (3 from each grade) would receive prizes in the form of candy. Middle school students were all eager to get started.
The event was hosted and organized by Thor, aka Mr. Gonzalez. He kicked off the event by giving a speech.
And with that, the extravaganza had begun! The 8th graders took the stage first. Of the 8th graders, the individual costumes went before all else.
But first I would like to say that most of the costumes were creative, with few repeats other than the group costumes. There did not seem to be the ‘one popular costume’ that lots of people wore.
Of the individual 8th grader costumes, there were lots of creative costumes in the mix, like a pirate and slasher movie stars such as Michael Myers from Halloween.
The 8th grade group costumes were up next, with some spectacular displays of costumes from pop culture, television and movies.
Up next were the individual 7th grade costumes, which were equally good. They included ones like Waldo. Groups contained koalas and “Among Us” characters.
And finally, the 6th graders took the stage with some individual costumes of the Mandalorian and an eagle. Group costumes included a group of six m&ms.
“It was great to see the Extravaganza back live and in-person in to the Auditorium,” said sixth grade teacher Mr. Feller.